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Sponsor an Orphan in Gaza

Allah عز و جل Says in the Qur’an:

“And they feed, for the love of Allah, the indigent, the orphan, and the captive…”

(Al-Insan, Ayah 8).

Approximately 25,000 children are ORPHANS in Gaza

The lives of these poor souls, these children have been turned upside down overnight. From having parents, a warm house and food on the table to losing parents, their home and the loss of every other comfort that no child should have to experience. It is heart wrenching to even think about this, the ordeal faced by these innocent souls is unimaginable to us! Their pain is unimaginable.  We must fulfill our responsibility and this responsibility is ours to share. We can provide some solace by sponsoring these children from just £35 per month!
Group 80166

The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) said:

“The one who cares for an orphan and myself will be together in Paradise like this,” and he held his two fingers together to illustrate.

(Sahih Bukhari, 5659)

Is there anyone more deserving of our support than a child who has no one by their side?

The world has turned a blind eye to their suffering!

The loss of a parent not only shatters dreams of education, shelter, and food but also destroys the hope of a secure future.

Let us follow in the steps of the Prophet (ﷺ) and share this responsibility.

  Their pain is unimaginable.  Here is your chance to make their life better.

What Does Your Sponsorship Cover?

home icon


Safe and secure living spaces.
Food & Drink

Food & Drink

Ensuring no orphan child goes to bed hungry.

School Uniform img

School Uniform

Empowering orphaned
children with school uniforms

Stationery Expenses

Stationery Expenses

Empowering education for a brighter future.

Alhamdulillah, 25 orphans are sponsored by
Taskforce GLM, but there are still 25,000 left in Palestine. We need your support to sponsor as many children as we can.